Glossary of terms

Read through this page for specific terminology


A user represents an entity able to login and place orders, buy plus or online services, act as a service user, administrate its account in Mein Konto, basically exist in the Haufe or Weka environment. The main characteristic of an Atlantik user is its ability to authenticate itself (by logging in and getting an SSO token to reuse for most requests) by using the email and the password.

Anonymous User

An anonymous user is an entity able to hold a test license for a certain period of time. Its authentication level is lower than that of a normal user. If a user logs in, a session upgrade mechanism is in place, replacing the anonymous user with a normal one.


The personal address is the private address of the user. It acts as a billing or shipping address if no such addresses exist in the system. The billing address is where the invoice is sent out from SAP and it is information pertaining to the debitor. Similarly, the shipping address represents the delivery address.


The debitor in the sense of the license management represents the legal entity that holds the licenses. This can be a private person or a company. Licenses are purchased for a specific debitor and are also owned by this debitor. A debitor is not a user, a debitor cannot log in. Only users can log in to applications. Users and debitors are connected in a 1:1 relationship.

Payment Method

The payment information is attached to the debitor. It contains data regarding the default payment method (be it invoice or debit), bank data or credit card information.

Role Assignment

Within a debitor, users can have several roles (Owner, Admin, Normal license user). In order to purchase a license, a user has to be in the owner role of the debitor. Role assignments can also be bound to products or tenants.

Purchased License

A purchased license represents the license that a debitor has bought. It can be assigned to users to be used. If it is not assigned to a user at point in time, it is called a free license.

License Assignment

A license assignment is an assignment of a specific purchased (bought) license to a specific user (for a specified time period). A license assignment can be revoked (terminated), making the corresponding purchased license a free license.

License Definition

A license definition represents the metadata of a license. A license definition defines the usage right to use a product. There are atomic license definitions and license bundles. Atomic license definitions represent the usage right of a particular product. License bundles represent a set of usage rights group in one usage right of a container (popular example, a MS Office license contains the licenses of Word, Excel, Powerpoint).